Welcome to 'Action Leaders', an exclusive group of professionals who have come together to take ‘Thought Leadership’ to the next level. Members will be participants with different levels of responsibility and experience in BFSI management and its vendor partners. This allows for representation of those involved in BFSI and gathers a true “voice of the industry” viewpoint. 

The goal of this peer group is to gain a better understanding of the issues BFSI is dealing with, and to provide a platform where these experiences and concerns can be shared.

As a member, you will gain regular opportunities to share your thoughts, opinions and preferences on a variety of key management thought leadership topics. This will be translated to direct and indirect visibility.

In addition, our Action Leaders are directly nominated to the ALIAA function - Action Leaders Inspirational Authors Awards, to be held annually. Other participants will be nominated by their respective organizations, peers or counterparts. For more on being nominated or to participate as a sponsor, connect with us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.       









