
Jobs Of The Future

Step aside, chief innovation officers, and make way for chief automation officers and chief freelance relationship officers.

With questions about the future of middle management, many believe that corporations will soon beef up their core leadership teams, allowing them to keep foundational business knowledge close to the top while delegating the increasingly complex attributes of the modern organization to in-house, executive-level experts.

These changes are expected to bring a slew of new positions into the C-suite, currently occupied by members with positions like CIO (chief information officer), CFO (chief financial officer), CMO (chief marketing officer), COO (chief operating officer) and of course CEO (chief executive officer). With many companies already experimenting with holacracy and flattened organizational structures, some believe that the anti-middle-management floodgates are about to burst.

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What Robert De Niro Taught Us About Leadership

Traits of Highly Effective Mentors

Courtesy of Warner Brothers Pictures/

I’m always surprised by what I learn at the movies. I go to be entertained. But many times I walk out of the theater with insights I can put to work in my life.

Over the weekend we saw the new Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway comedy, The Intern. It was great!

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Seven to One

What executive skills are most prized by companies today? How has that array of skills changed in the last decade, and how is it likely to change in the next ten years? To find out, we surveyed senior consultants at a top-five global executive-search firms.

Experienced search consultants typically interview hundreds (in many cases thousands) of senior executives; they assess those executives’ skills, track them over time, and in some cases place the same executive in a series of jobs. They also observe how executives negotiate, what matters most to them in their contracts, and how they decide whether to change companies. (For more on how executives set their work-life priorities, see this.) Here are the seven C-level skills and traits companies prize most:

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